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School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE)

Learn about CNA's School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE) onsite and online educational resources to help policyholders manage their exposures.

Risk Control Tools & Services

More Resources

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Need more information about managing your business risks?

CNA’s School of Risk Control Excellence® (SORCE®) offers world-class risk control courses and development resources that can help minimize exposures and complement risk management practices. Choose the format that works best with your schedule.


  • Connect with industry leaders during live webinars
  • Obtain hands-on training with educational events
  • Access on-demand, industry/exposure-specific resources

View the Course Catalog


Browse the SORCE catalog of online and onsite resources to help manage exposures.


Browse the Catalog  >

Browse the Online Library


Access our library of risk control courses based on proven adult learning principles and the latest regulatory requirements or view our archive of webcasts, webinars, events and online training presentations.


See On-Demand Courses  >

Find industry- or product-specific courses

The SORCE program offers several industry- and product-specific courses for policyholders and agents, including:


From the Experts


From insurance trends to risk control to corporate social responsibility, CNA’s leaders know their business and are proud to use their expertise to help organizations succeed.


Perspectives for Protecting Your Business This Hurricane Season


Don't Overlook Water Risks


Use these resources to help identify water damage exposures and reduce the likelihood and impact of incidents.



Water Damage: Technology Solutions Guide

Water Damage: Incident Response

Water Damage: Prepare, Respond, Improve


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